Firstly, welcome to a soft landing and a place of potential support through hypnotherapy. Yes, the world can depict and project demands upon us. Where do we turn when the answers aren’t coming from the outside? It’s a time to trust what can arrive from within, inside our inner knowing.
Evidentially, one source of deeply calming support arrives from a series of hypnotherapy sessions.
What to expect~
Hypnotherapy is a gentle and highly effective modality to support you, now. Sessions last between 75 and 90 minutes and can be conducted very effectively over Zoom. Through a verbal guided meditation, you will obtain a deep state of relaxation. During your session you will be in complete control at all times. Before relaxation you will articulate a questions you’d like guidance on. I’ll support you in isolating the most powerful and gracious question to meet your present needs.
What will a trance state of relaxation be like?
Your guided meditation will lead you into a beautiful place in nature, created to support you. Gradually, you will go down a series of steps to deepen your relaxation. This is where you’ll be met by a presence of Wisdom and where you will articulate your question. Meanwhile, I’ll be present to document all you receive for integration and affirming. This is a critical component of hypnotherapy, being affirmed as you come back and up the steps and out of trance. When fully relaxed your subconscious is open to receive new and empowering directions. Finally, you will be the one who determines what your subconscious hears and is empowered by.
Potential outcomes~
Deep calm and feeling of being supported. The rest will be uniquely yours. I will be by your side transcribing all that you share out loud. This is an important distinction of your session as your will be witnessed and your mind and subconscious will be hearing the insights and guidance as a new “down load”.
Integration of what you receive in a session~
Integration is a subtle and significant component of your sessions. It took time to learn habits, behaviors and limiting beliefs. It takes time to unravel them. But trust, the Truth of who you are is supported and loved dearly.
How many sessions will you need?
It is recommended to have session once a week or twice a month over a series of months to fully acclimate to the new found awareness and support. Together, we will establish a succession of sessions to meet your holistic needs.
How much do sessions cost?
Each session is $255.
What if you need support right now, in this minute~
(I am not a therapist or a doctor, call 911 if you are in immediate need)
To support you~ I invite your to take a deep long and slow breath in. Feel your belly fill. By placing your hand on your belly, ask your mind to support you, to join in. Then, exhale slowly. On your next inhalation, belly full, hold the inhalation at the top for 4 counts, exhale for 4 counts. Next exhalation, hold it at the bottom for 4 counts. You are telling your body “I am safe.” This is how very young children breathe.
Something for your mind because it’s always so curious~
Basically, shortness of breath deprives our cells of oxygen? The result is less oxygen in our cells and the less evolved part of our brain jumps in with less evolved thoughts. Surprisingly, this makes perfect sense as your mind is wanting to keep you safe, quickly and simply. By breathing into your belly, you maintain the higher functioning of your brain and more sound thoughts.
Bonus: Place your hand on your heart and your body will release natural soothing chemistry. The natural chemistry that says, “I belong, I’m safe.”
Reaching out for a complimentary 20 minute informational call.
Finally, If this is all sounding calming and supportive, call me or send me a text. We can set up a best time to chat. I’m here to answer your questions. We can always set up a Zoom session so we can “meet.”
Here is my cell number in writing so it requires a genuine human like you to write it down. 🙂
Cell Number: (Eight five eight) Nine two two – eight three three nine.
I look forward to supporting you on your unique path of discovery and peace,
Sharon Belknap, CHt
License Number: HT 122-023